Sweet Southern Casey

Sweet Southern Casey

Monday, June 8, 2009


For all you nascar guys out there I have one question. Can anybody stand that arrogant, loud mouth, gods gift to the earth as far as he's concerned Kyle Bush. I cannot stand to even hear his name. This past Saturday he won the race in Nashville Tenn. The trophy just so happened to be this guitar that was especially made for the race. So with the maker of the guitar there along with all the press, what does Bush do ? He slams it into the ground 3 times . Then stands up to the shocked guy who made it and everyone else and says " I want to give a piece of it to all my pit crew." Unbelievable. Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest, I hope everyones doing ok. I know it sure is tough with the economy the way it is right now for everyone. Well, if you want to talk go check out my website at www.nastysoutherngirl.com. Then give me a call. I'd love to talk to you. Call me at 866-674-8387